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ST3: Working Week

Just as in ST1: You will be working pretty much as the rest of us as a GP but with loads of support around you – everyone is very friendly and feel free to ask questions before, during or after a consultation. There will be a named GP covering your surgeries but feel free to catch anyone – the duty doctor is often a good bet.

As before in ST1: The working week is a mixture of surgeries (seeing patients), urgent appointments, covering duty – including home visits, tutorials, covering the hospital (rarer with the new setup), teaching at TCGP on day release and the odd OOH shift.

The difference now is that you will be aiming to get up to speed this year! But don’t worry there is plenty of time to reach the daunting task of 10 minute appointments!

Looking ahead to the next week on EMIS is always useful to see what is scheduled in – if there are loads of empty appointments don’t worry they won’t stay that way!